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Author Archives: Rich Johnson

Yet another…

…Microsoft Funny What happened to the days of super smart hackers, writing code to infiltrate your libraries, overflow your buffers, and hijack your sessions? Remember hackers using nothing more than tty1-6, no need for a GUI? Well that has all changed…Welcome Microsoft Windows Vista! MICROSOFT plans to patch a security hole in Windows related to […]

Posted in Personal | Tagged | 8 Responses

There are still some…

…who do not need to own, look at, or attempt to use a computer. My brother just called me from his job and had another guy there with a computer issue. It seems my brother can find the brightest people in the world, bright in a negative lumen’s type way. Anyways, this buddy of his […]

Posted in Personal | 3 Responses

Tag your it!

Well Aaron decided he would Tag Me first in his game to build either a long blogroll or xml feed list, or maybe he wants to be #1 on Technorati ๐Ÿ™‚ I used Akregator from w/in Kontact so most of my feeds are the default ones which of course are mainly planets as well. However, […]

Posted in Personal | 1 Response
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