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Author Archives: Rich Johnson

Interesting Observations

Today I was tasked with fixing my buddy Matt’s computer. Matt is what you would call the average computer user. He uses his computer to surf the web, communicate via email, chat with friends, play some games, listen to music, watch some movies (probably pr0n), and get infected with viruses. After working on this computer […]

Posted in Personal | Tagged | 20 Responses

Welcome KDE 4.0

Leave the reality…. Live the dream! Congratulations is in order for everyone who participated in making KDE 4 a reality that in fact allows many of us to continue living the dream. Thank you to all!

Posted in Personal | Tagged | 3 Responses

KVM Guidance

Howdy all, I am coming back at you with yet another question that I am hoping you all can answer. I am looking at purchasing a new KVM switch to update my old one. A couple of things I would like and actually prefer are: Good Linux, Mac, and Windows support USB support Audio support […]

Posted in Application | Tagged | 6 Responses
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