…that I have never seen, and never had the chance to see. So Jono, here you go with my list ๐ Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd The Beatles I would love to head to England and see Led Zeppelin play their 1 time only reunion next month. I have been to a many Pink Floyd laser […]
Author Archives: Rich Johnson
KDE 4 Plasmoid Fun
Well, it is almost bedtime, but before I went, I wanted to show off my KDE 4 desktop as it stands right now. Note, I do not use all of those plasmoids, I was just playing to see what all was working. Thus far, weather and temperature (cpu) are the only ones not working for […]
Who here runs Gnome Applets in KDE?
I am currently writing up some information for extra applications available to Kubuntu users and a couple of people have expressed that having information about some Gnome panel applets would be good. Can you run Gnome panel applets in KDE? I have never tried, nor have the time right now, but if you could let […]