Blog Post

Automatix FTW!

I knew that would get your attention. Anyways, thanks to Matthew for his outstanding technical review of Automatix. It is this sort of constructive criticism a project such as Automatix needs. It doesn’t need all of us blogging and bashing the project. Remember, Automatix is someones pride and joy. I know a lot of work has gone into Automatix, and if I remember correctly, the developers who started it, were new to the industry. The industry of development that is. I will admit that it has come a long way since the days of #!/bin/sh and I know it has more to go. And with Matthew’s review, hopefully this will help the Automatix developers with future work. I would love to see the Automatix people hop on board and work along side Ubuntu developers. We know the application fits a need, and actually fits a need in Ubuntu. Granted I may not approve of the applications it installs, like the binary blobs and what not, but new users, and a lot of seasoned veterans do.

I have bashed Automatix in the past, because one of their developers really pissed me off last year in #kubuntu and then they posted the whole Ubuntu thing on the top of their website. If you want to read more about that, you can search ‘Automatix’ up top.

If you decide to use Automatix and it breaks your machine, you were unfortunately given a few “I told you so’s” this week on the Planet. Don’t think that just because you broke your machine with it, that people in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #edubuntu, and #xubuntu aren’t going to help you. No matter how you broke your machine, those channels are there to help you. If you go in there with an Automatix related issue, I would probably check the Automatix channel first. If someone gives you attitude, well call me and we will go beat them up ๐Ÿ™‚ OK! I am just kidding.

Can’t we all just get along?

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