
The unstinkable

iPhone restricts usage or invades privacyI was surprised to find out this morning that the local stores still have iPhones. They didn’t sell out! I figured they would have been gone instantly. Yesterday our local Apple store had a line waiting out front waiting for them to open. I mean a huge line, like that was seen everywhere. Gobs of people wanting an iPhone. But only a handful of people purchased one, the employees were upset, tired, hungry, and whatever else you can think of that just drains you.

I want to know something though, if any of you purchased one, has it been turned on yet? My neighbors decided to pick up a couple yesterday, and almost 24 hours later, they still have useless devices with a full battery charge. AT&T has yet to activate their phones. I read somewhere online another person is experiencing the same thing, however he didn’t have comments activated, so I really want to know if you purchased one, how was the experience? I am personally waiting for the Openmoko to see what that is all about.

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Yet Another GPLv3 Launched Post

GPLv3 Love

Good job to the Free Software Foundation! Congrats to all of them, and especially congrats to Mako to his new board position as well. Peter Brown, thank you for all of the FSF, Deffective by Design, Bad Vista, iPod DRM, and GNU/Linux stickers you recently sent as well. They were a hit! Thanks to Eben for all of your guidance, help, and support, and especially for the YES vote on Monday prior to your resignation. Thanks to Richard, not me the other Richard, for staying true to your ideas, your goals, and most importantly your philosophy and values in the Free Software world.

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Those are choices!

Sorry for the double post, but low and behold this just came across Akregator.

With the recent news of several Linux vendors entering into partnership agreements with Microsoft (Novell, Linspire, Xandros), there has been much debate recently about two factions of Linux forming. Saying that Linux is going to be torn in two, makes for good press and lively debates, but this is certainly nothing new for Linux. There are far more material splits today in the Linux world, such as Debian vs RPM, KDE vs GNOME, Distro A vs Distro B, and so on. These divisions are quite material, and dilute significant energy and efforts across competing standards. However, we accept this as the price we pay for freedom of choice.

Note the There are for more material splits today in the Linux world, such as Debian vs RPM, KDE vs GNOME, Distro A vs Distro B, and so on. THOSE ARE CHOICES, NOT SPLITS!.

You have made your bed, lie in it. Don’t sit here and try to make excuses now and try and point the finger at other distributions. You talk about this Moral High Ground that some distributions are standing upon and then claim that some of these same distributions also link to tools that allow illegal installation of codecs and drivers. Bah humbug! I am willing to bet you are speaking of Automatix, in which not many developers I know like it, use it, advocate it, support it, and the list goes on. I know that Ubuntu, Debian, and Red Hat don’t link to it at all, and if there was a moral high ground, these 3 are standing proudly on top of it.

Quit defending you decision, or trying to, and then spewing opinions and not facts about the situation. You said you are fine with us disagreeing with your deal, yet you defend it every chance you get.

NOTE 1: I do understand there is a demand for the proprietary codecs and drivers, however I don’t feel we should sign a deal with the devil in order to provide them. And what does signing a deal with Microsoft have to do with proprietary codecs and drivers? Microsoft doesn’t create any of these items that are in demand.

NOTE 2: GPLv3 to be released in 24 hours! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in Linux | 11 Responses
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