
Wear these…



Just so everyone knows, the quote by Mark Shuttleworth was horribly used and misrepresented by the so-called writer. Also bare in mind that the owner of this website is Ziff Davis, which just happens to receive gobs of money from Microsoft for advertising and providing reviews on their products with a high rating every time. Even though it is a Linux news site, you know where some of their operating cash comes from.

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Yesterday the announcement…

…and today this image.


Yesterday Linspire announced their deal with Microsoft. Of course which many of you know, but today I wanted to read their forums to see what people had to say, and on my way in I saw that image. I truthfully find it distasteful, as I am sure you probably know why. 4 partners, 3 of them proprietary in their ways, bunched together with one that holds a free and open source software philosophy. To me it looks like Ubuntu supports all of those partnerships just by a single image. I know that isn’t true, but do the people who go to that website know that?

This is disturbing, and what I find appalling is that Kevin thinks that his deal with Microsoft will provide a “Better Linux.” How? WTF can a Microsoft deal do that will make Linux better? Take off the cloudy glasses already.

EDIT: Strike my P.S. to Mark for a reply. It seems he is currently traveling and to prevent any unneeded unrest, I am removing my P.S. to Mark, as I am sure he will respond in due time.

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Oh Kevin!

So, the next time one of you distros talk to the devil himself, Steve Ballmer, tell him I said to kiss my free arse!

So Kevin, did you tell him? Everyone who commented in my post about GPLv3…The death of Linux, we were right!!!

It seems that Linspire struck up a deal with the devil. One week to the day that Kevin from Linspire posted his whole “GPLv3 is a evil choice restricting license” remarks, he signs the ever-so-famous deals we have been hearing about with Microsoft. Didn’t see that one coming did we? Hell ya we did, 27 comments to my last post, most flaming me and the GPL I am sure, but there were a few who stated the obvious. Take Enny for instance:

sigh, so much FUD, and no less from the CEO of a distro and his forum moderators. Much like the GPLv3 FUD in the media too.

I am not surprised if Linspire has already signed a deal with MS, like Xandros went to Microsoft in November 2006 (and obstensibly modified the terms to exclude coupons after GPLv3 went after that). They did it before when they had a lock tight court case with Lindows, didn’t they?

DEAD F’N ON! Thanks goes to Jucato for telling me “I called it” last week, even though I had no clue what he was talking about. Hey Ballmer, if you got the goods, come sign a deal with me! I hope this doesn’t cause all kinds of hell with Canonical and Ubuntu due to previous relationships that were agreed upon.

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