
Yet another…

…Microsoft Funny

What happened to the days of super smart hackers, writing code to infiltrate your libraries, overflow your buffers, and hijack your sessions? Remember hackers using nothing more than tty1-6, no need for a GUI?

Well that has all changed…Welcome Microsoft Windows Vista!

MICROSOFT plans to patch a security hole in Windows related to an animated cursor that hackers have used to launch attacks after users click on links to malicious web sites.

I checked the date, and it is from April 3rd, so it isn’t a fool’s joke that I can see. Can you believe that? It is stupid security flaws like this that should have millions running in droves to get away from the bs they are put through from Microsoft. Vista users, please come and join us here at Ubuntu, where your presence is not only welcomed, but also commended.

I got this funny little tidbit from HERE.

On a side note, if you are a Windows user and have my contact information in your Outlook or Outlook Express, please remove me by Sunday or get a free and open source email solution if you must stick with Microsoft.

It said most of the activity around the so-called ANI exploit has been via dozens of malicious websites but warned that on Sunday the first internet worm, able to replicate without the user doing anything to the machine, was found using the flaw to spread.

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There are still some…

…who do not need to own, look at, or attempt to use a computer.

My brother just called me from his job and had another guy there with a computer issue. It seems my brother can find the brightest people in the world, bright in a negative lumen’s type way. Anyways, this buddy of his buys a brand new laptop, actually the same laptop I have. Well, it comes with Windows Vista (of course mine had it, but never saw the light of day, didn’t even get one solid bootup with Windows), and it seems that Microsoft decided to finally recognize that the Unix world was one up with user/admin stuff. Now they have a superuser account instead of the old trusty administrator (of which a majority of users changed to sysadm or sysadmin because they thought it was more secure). Well it seems this guy created a password for the superuser account and even created a hint for it. He doesn’t remember doing so, so he says, but he has nonetheless forgot the password. OK, no problem, what is the hint? "haha". Little does he know that is really Vista laughing in his face.

After talking with the guy, who sounded either like Bill or Ted from their excellent adventures, I simply told him, "Just like breeding, computers are another thing you should leave alone.". Please God, make the Windows questions from family and friends go away.

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Tag your it!

Well Aaron decided he would Tag Me first in his game to build either a long blogroll or xml feed list, or maybe he wants to be #1 on Technorati ๐Ÿ™‚ I used Akregator from w/in Kontact so most of my feeds are the default ones which of course are mainly planets as well. However, I do track other people’s posts who are pretty darn good. With that being said, I have 2 blogs I enjoy from the Ubuntu Chicago Planet, one is a future Ubuntu member without a doubt and the other, well he could very easily become a member as well as he is a fresh face in the community right now. I am talking about Jim Campbell and Chad Sutton.

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