
Free Libre Open Source Career Conference

Flourish – to grow luxuriantly, to thrive, to achieve success, to reach a height of development or influence.”

Flourish! will be held April 6th and 7th at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Some of the speakers include:

  • Peter T. BrownFree Software Foundation
  • Chris DiBonaGoogle
  • Angela ByronDrupal
  • Tom ‘Spot’ CallawayRed Hat
  • John DoppkeIBM
  • Willy FarrellIBM
  • Paul McMahanIBM
  • John QuigleyCleversafe
  • Jason Rexilius

The venue includes a lot of great speakers as noted above as well as some intermingling time, a hack-a-thon, and a Battle of the Distros (so far Ubuntu vs. Linspire vs. Fedora/Red Hat). So if you are in the Chicagoland area these 2 days, stop on by and say hello. I will be hanging out with the Ubuntu Chicago and the Chicago GLUG crowds, as well as participating in the Battle of the Distros (I am throwing Kubuntu into that mix by the way).

Posted in Linux | Tagged | 1 Response

Notify Works in Kubuntu


In response to Aaron’s blog posts (Part 1, Part 2) about IRSSI and libnotify to send you a notification upon highlight, well it works great in Kubuntu as well.

As you will notice, I use a different icon, a customized Konversation icon, and I have also changed the color of the popup by setting the urgency as well. The following is the shell script I am using, which is pretty much the same as Aaron’s just modified to suit my taste.


ssh user@server ": > .irssi/fnotify ; tail -f .irssi/fnotify " |
sed -u 's/[<@&]//g' | while read heading message; do /usr/bin/notify-send -u critical -i <location to icon> -t 300000 -- "${heading}" "${message}"; done

Replace user@server with your username and server IP address. Also replace <location to icon> to the correct icon location that you want to use. An example would be /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/whatever.png.

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Windows Persona

OK, does everyone have the “Linux Persona” stuff, which has been one hell of a hot topic this week, out of their system? I am sorry, flame me and Microsoft all you want, but where in the hell is our Windows Persona? Bug #1 isn’t going to cut it, especially when people just add comments to it that do nothing but criticize it. Microsoft realizes our community, the Linux community, is a threat to their operations, and definitely their pockets. Well, we don’t have pockets to worry about so much, but our operations and our philosophy are definitely more important. So laugh at, taunt, or completely misunderstand the “Linux Persona” idea that Microsoft has put out, but step back and take a look in the mirror, and realize they just one-upped our community, maybe it is time for us to stop bitching at Microsoft ideas (which half the time are bs), and lets start making our own personas for Windows users, it is a brilliant idea to drive a marketing campaign!

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