
So I take it you use Windows XP?

“Only in between crashes.”

This is by far my favorite QOTD. Today in one of my classes, an older lady who is in my class asked me a Linux question since I have been dubbed the “campus Linux guru.” If only they knew the truth 🙂 Anyways, I asked about her system specifications and realized her computer was just a few years old. Now of course I asked a stupid question for one, “So I take it you use Windows XP?” Well duh you dummy Rich! And she responded with the above quote. It had myself and the instructor in tears as this was definitely not the expected answer to such question.

So CoDLUG be aware, I have yet another switcher on their way. Not to shabby, this semester alone, 3 weeks into it, I have around 20 people now using either Ubuntu or Kubuntu. So far, these new users have said that Kubuntu is perfect for a person switching from Windows. I am glad they found it relatively easy. The Ubuntu users ask me questions, which I in turn ask in #ubuntu 🙂 They don’t know I am cheating. Also, is now a hit at the college as well as Gimp.

Posted in Linux, Personal | 3 Responses


Read “Right”…</sarcasm>

“I think this is the biggest accolade you can be given because it means your fans have gone out and bought your records. And that’s why we make records – for our public.” – Sir Elton John, 3/16/1999 at the launch of the RIAA® Diamond® Award

Your fans will continue to buy your records as long as you are good enough! You can easily be replaced by local artists who are better and free. Oh, and Sir Elton, you have never written an album “for our public.” You have only written albums for “your pockets,” just like every artist who is governed by New York, Los Angeles, and the Nashville morons. Groups that write albums “for our public” don’t join hands with the RIAA and tend to put their music out there for free. You and the RIAA need to learn the definition of piracy and pirates. Piracy is to steal cargo at the high seas, I don’t know who you all think you are, but your cargo isn’t worthy of any of the seas, maybe a retention pond holding raw sewage.

If people want to share the music they have purchased, then so be it. Remember, if your music is “good enough,” people are going to buy the CDs no matter what. The idiots who distribute music without sharing (note I didn’t call them pirates) or not purchasing only make up a small percentage of the people SHARING music. If I bought it, I own it, and I can do whatever the hell I want with it. I hope that New York teen tears you apart in the courts!

Posted in Personal | 7 Responses

Vista Released

Oh, who I am kidding, you don’t care!

Well, about 100 people did care as they lined up yesterday at the local Best Buy to be met by DuPage County Sheriff, Best Buy managers, and Defective by Designs Bad Vista’ers. Hopefully I will have some pictures soon. All I can say is I froze my ass off in that yellow HazMat suit. And if any of you in Chicago still have prehistoric Comcast (wannabe) digital cable, you might have caught us on CLTV. We chanted, we handed out information, and we shivered! It was still fun.

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