
Da Bugs

Those of you who are familiar with the “Super Fans” from Saturday Night Live probably remember “Da Bears.” Well, “Da Bears’ was referring to the Chicago Bears, our NFL (National Football League) team back in the mid 80’s after winning the Superbowl.

“Da Bugs” is tonight, a night of bug triaging in Ubuntu. A couple of the members, Freddy Martinez and Andrew Bassett, have recently been bitten by the bug, and now have proposed a night for the Ubuntu Chicago Team to gather on IRC ( in #ubuntu-chicago and do some Ubuntu bug triaging. As it stands, the team will be meeting from 7pm until 11pm CST (-0600) in order to try and knock down the bug count.

If you are a Chicagoan, love the Bears and the Cubs (boo White Sox), you are more than welcome to stop by and learn a little bit of the “behind the scenes” stuff in Ubuntu. I will be on hand as well as other members from the team to field questions you may have, guide you in some triage work, or just chat about our love of Ubuntu. Thanks to Freddy (Admiral_Chicago) and Andrew (awbassett) for setting this up, and we hope to see you there.

NOTE: Well it is over with. Fours hours of mad triaging. Seems we have confirmed, requested further info, closed, or committed to many bugs tonight. Not to shabby considering there was three of us working on it. Yay for deciding to do this on a Saturday night ๐Ÿ™‚

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New Laptop

Finally broke down and bought a fairly inexpensive laptop tonight. I purchased the Compaq Presario C304NR. Celeron M 420, 512MB DDR2 PC4200, 80GB SATA Drive, 15.4″ widescreen with brightview, i950 video (YAY no crappy binary blobs here), and much more. Notice I left out the WiFi part, it is a Broadcom 4311 which only works with NDISWrapper and not with bcm43xx-fwcutter. Ya, I know binary crap, but I need wireless and this lappy doesn’t come with pcmcia slots.

I successfully got everything running just fine. Installed Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy), fixed the resolution issue by installing 915resolution from the universe repositories, and fixed the WiFi issue with NDISWrapper and this tutorial. More information on the laptop and how well it runs Kubuntu can be found on the Laptop Testing Teams wiki page.
Feisty also had the same issues as Edgy, but that is somewhat expected at this early in the game. I am hoping more functionality comes to the laptop with the Broadcom drivers and a couple of the function keys.

Final grade for the Compaq Presario C304NR running Kubuntu 6.10 Linux, A-. A- because I had to use binary rubbish to get it working 100%.

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Boredom + Superkaramba ==

My new nixmon theme. Simple yet full of the good stuff.

For my next trick…

Received my C++ GUI Programming With Qt4 yesterday. I even wrote my first application!


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