
Konversation CTCP Flood Fix

This is just a temporary fix, as it seems there is no sendq in Konversation currently. If you were using Konversation, and were hanging out in #ubuntu on Freenode this evening, you will have noticed a couple of what I like to call e.tards decided to bring in bots and fire off a bunch of CTCP requests to users. Well, you X-Chat users and IRSSI users may not have noticed this (yes, even a better argument for me to go back to IRSSI), but people using Konversation, without some tweaks got killed by the server with an excess flood message.

No need to worry, you can continue using the great IRC client, Konversation, and continue doing so without getting those annoying CTCP requests. And is this an easy fix or what.

In Konversation, goto Settings -> Configure Konversation, and then click Ignore. This will open up the Ignore dialog. Click New, select CTCP in the checkbox below, and then for pattern type *. Click OK, and now enjoy your CTCP safety. Your setup should look similar to the image below. Click it for a larger view.

Posted in Application | Tagged | 1 Response

Just for Jono

Jono’s new smiley campaign

๐Ÿ™‚ LOL!!!

Posted in Personal | 3 Responses

So Who Is In Charge Now?

What a great night of elections we had. It is cool to see that Americans want change and I think they deserve change. Now lets all cross our fingers and hope this group isn’t as corrupt as the last group, but if history repeats itself… All I know is I took a test on the Libertarian website, and it said I was a Centrist, which is different from what I thought was conservative views. And who said you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Anyways, nothing new here really, except that I have been getting in on the conference calls with those at the Ubuntu Developer Summit at the Googleplex in California. I have been a part of everything Kubuntu, LoCo Teams, Bug control, Ubiquity changes, and there are more to come.

Speaking of LoCo teams, Ubuntu Chicago is planning a brief meeting on IRC (#ubuntu-chicago on freenode) next Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 at 21:00 CST (03:00 UTC), or 9pm Chicago time ๐Ÿ™‚ Our working agenda can be read HERE, and add to it if you are interested in participating in the meeting next week. Ubuntu Illinois? Team leaders? a Council? Come be a part of LoCo history! <- haha, since everything here the past couple of days has been politicians crying out for everyone to become a part of history.

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