
Thank You Everyone!

Well, 6.10 is upon us. That is Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu, and Ichthux 6.10 if you follow the community here. That means, that the documentation is completed, the packages are uploaded, and the bugs are being fixed.

No matter which distrobution I was working on, the 6.10 release schedule was very tight. I think I may have bit off just a little bit more than I can chew during this session, but in doing so, I lost more hair, yet I learned a lot of cool things. I am a MOTU in disguise now, as I understand it a lot more now (Thanks to Brandon Holtsclaw, Sarah Hobbs, Jonathan Riddell, Anthony Mercatante, Daniel T. Chen, and Jordan Mantha), Docbook is easy now, Matthew East’s scripts still confuse me, however they work, and the evil Canadian brothers, Corey (UWN Junky!!!) and Brian Burger (thanks Brian for those sick tux & Kennedy jokes).

New for this cycle, for me at least, was working with some cool people in the education community and getting to help out with the Edubuntu Handbook. Many thanks to Susan Stewart, Richard Weideman , Pete Savage, Mario Danic, and Oliver Grawert. Also, thanks to the many Handbook contributors, sorry for not knowing your names, but your IRC nicknames will work, sbalneav, BonBonTheJon, willvdl, and others (sorry if I forgot you).

So, if you happen to walk by the Kubuntu Documentation and/or the Ichthux Documentation, and notice an error or two, that was more than likely me. File a bug report, and I will fix it as soon as possible. Thanks also to the Ubuntu Chicago Team! Jason is the man, as he has single handedly setup our venue for this weeks meeting, RJ our resident hacker ๐Ÿ˜‰ , Freddy, Andrew, Max, Brian, Carson, rr72 (wth is your name?), sharms (about time you blog again), Pyro, and Adam (where are you at now Mr. GNOME?).

I just wanted to take this little bit of time and say thank you. I am looking forward to 7.04, the Feisty Fawn, and hopefully a little more responsibility to go along with it. Thanks again everybody for making 6.10 KICK ASS! I look forward to working with each and everyone of you in the future. Take care, and God Bless <><

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Ubuntu Served Up Chicago Style

It is upon us fellow Chicagoans! October 28th, 2006 from 11am until around 8pm CST, the Chicago Local Community Team will be hosting its quarterly group meeting, this time with some Edgy partying to go on as well. This event will include presentations, demonstrations, food and drink. There is a $10 cover fee in order to pay for the venue which includes the food and drink. The location will be the Best Western located at 1231 Lee Street, in Des Plaines, Illinois 60018. More information can be found on the Ubuntu Chicago website at or to sign up, go to the Meeting Wiki page. Everyone is welcome and more than welcome to stop by and make an appearance, pick up some Ubuntu CDs, and take a picture or two. Hope to see you there! Thanks everyone!

P.S. Mr. Harms, aka sharms, I took care of the blog ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t wait to see you on Saturday bud!

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Knock Knock…

There comes a knock at your door…

You glance out the window and see…

A Panther, a Jaguar, or a Leopard…

Ask yourself, are you going to answer the door?

Now the roles have changed, and you glance out once again…

And to your surprise, you see…

A Fawn…

Quite feisty, yet so cute…

So hurry up, answer the door, and let it in…

Enjoy your new friend, as it will not only provide you with friendship, but it will make you feel strong, safe, and secure.

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