
What's This, Kubuntu Sending Worms

This is way to funny. I think spammers need to start reviewing who they send their “worms” to.

Mail server report. Our firewall determined the e-mails containing worm copies are being sent from your computer. Nowadays it happens from many computers, because this is a new virus type (Network Worms). Using the new bug in the Windows, these viruses infect the computer unnoticeably. After the penetrating into the computer the virus harvests all the e-mail addresses and sends the copies of itself to these e-mail addresses Please install updates for worm elimination and your computer restoring.

/me pictures Windows users around the world cringing at such a warning

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Grannys Gotta Switch

Well, Granny already switched. Over the weekend, I switched my friends 74 year old grandmother to Kubuntu, and even fancied it up for her. I showed her around, and how to update. Well, I showed her how to install .deb files as well. She is pretty computer savvy, which was just way to cool for me. Well, I just talked to her today, and here is what she had to say:

“I love dpkg -i Richie. I found a card game and it was packaged for Debian, but it had the .deb ending. So I did the sudo dpkg -i name.deb, and it installed without one question. That is what I hated about Microsoft. It always asked stupid questions that would confuse me, and I never knew if I installed the program or not, so I would usually give up or wait for Zach to come around.”

Granny B, You Rock! I thought this was pretty neat, and decided to share. Note, I couldn’t remember the card game she installed, but she is loving her Internet and E-Mail, now that she doesn’t have to constantly worry about opening them as well. When I visit Granny B, I will get a picture of her hacking away with her Kubuntu setup.

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Government spam

NOTE: I used lowercase spam this time, as it seems the processed meat company doesn’t like me when I use it in all capital letters.

OK, here we go, I have a new number one annoyance. As most of you living in the US know, election day is very close. Well here in Illinois, it seems that our Democratic party has taken up the old fashioned way of reaching people, the telephone. What is wrong with this? Nothing actually, as I enjoy listening to the respected candidates proposals.

What I don’t like, is when I receive 31 phone calls a day from the candidates. In Illinois, Tammy Duckworth, who everyone knows as the woman who lost her legs in Iraq, and actually has a lot of strong views, that even me as a conservative, enjoy. What I don’t like, is that it is 12pm, lunchtime, here in the Chicago land area, and I have 9 10 Tammy Duckworth phone calls, from a stupid computer. Now don’t get me wrong, Tammy isn’t the only one, just the worst offender currently.

I think the “smear” campaign ads on TV, the radio, and the Internet are enough. I think this mass calling crap is going to wear thin on the people, and only move them against you, because you bother them from 9am to 9pm. And people wonder why I hate telephones ๐Ÿ™‚

OMG! Right as I go to hit post, guess whose computer called me?

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