
Halloween Winter Wonderland

winter wonderlandOctober 12, 2006
Originally uploaded by nixternal.

Well, it really isn’t a winter wonderland, but I did wake up to a pretty decent snow storm. However brief it was, it was quite heavy and a lot. It was enough to eventually create a dusting. Oh I can’t wait for more snow! Just over two weeks until Halloween and it is snowing. Quite rare ever since aerosol cans ruled the world. We are used to seeing a first snow closer to Christmas if anything. The news says more is on its way! It was 75°F on Sunday, and snowing on Thursday.

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We Want You

uncle sam and edubuntu

Edubuntu Wants You

Have you been using Edubuntu? Are you a coder? Can you read and write in English? Do you enjoy taking long walks on the beach?

Well, if you at least answered Yes to using Edubuntu and being able to read and write in English, then do we have a job for you. If you picked the coder part, there is a lot waiting for you if you are interested. And the long walks on the beach, take a cold shower!

Currently, the Edubuntu team is hard at work producing the Edubuntu Handbook. This will be the documentation of all documentation, outlining and covering every possible aspect of the Edubuntu operating system. How can you help? Easy, take a look at the Task List. If there is something there you think you can help out with, then head on over to the Ubuntu Documentation Projects Repository wiki page to learn the basics of SVN and grab a copy of the current repo. The XML files for the Edubuntu handbook is located in the following directory:


I know, you are probably guessing, “what the heck is XML or Docbook?” No need to worry, as long as you can type it up in an email,, or in a text editor, that will be fine.

If you are interested, and would like to know more about the project, head on over to the #edubuntu IRC channel on Ask around in there, as I am sure someone can point you in the right direction to get you started in contributing back to the community.

Posted in Development, Linux | Tagged | 1 Response


What Would Jesus Draw?

OK, I know that was a bad joke. This will be a brief post, as I am calling on a little bit of help here. I am working with the Ichthux development team, and have a task at hand, that the good Lord never blessed me with, artwork. This artwork is for the header and footer images used for the XML/Docbook documentation that you see in KHelpCenter. For example, KDE documentation, or Kubuntu documentation for that matter. The header consists of 3 images as well as the footer. We need some cool looking designs for the upcoming “Everlasting Joy” release towards the end of October, beginning of November.

So, if you are graphically inclined and are interested in helping out the Ichthux development team, please stop by #ichthux on and speak with me (nixternal), raphink, or LaserJock. I am going to bed now, as it is going on 2am here in Chicago. If they aren’t around, feel free to just sit back and chill, as I should be back by about 16:00 UTC.

Don’t laugh, but HERE is what I have done. I did this quickly, using basic Gimp skills. I was playing with colors, shading, glossy, and what not.

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