
Get In Where You Fit In

I forget where that title name comes from, but I think it suits my current mood and post. Over the past few months I have been rather quiet around here due to various reasons. Plain and simple, I was shit on months back and I haven’t overcome the hurt I received from this. I was pushed away and because of this I took quite a bit of time off to collect my thoughts and see where I wanted my future to go.

Many of you know that I have decided to spend more time on cycling than anything Ubuntu and I think this was for the best, and still think it is. Jono has been talking about burnout recently, however my reason for my so called burnout episode isn’t covered by his talk (yet?). Over the past few months I kept trying to fit in again and found it difficult on many levels. Since 2005 I have been working pretty much non-stop in the Kubuntu community and this has been my best experience ever. I have made a ton of new friends that I hope to keep forever. Everyone there is just truly amazing.

So where was I? Well, when I started in Kubuntu I was that documentation dude to help out my buddy Jonathan Jesse. I did this for a few months before I wanted more. I had done Debian development for many years prior helping out where I could, so I decided to go ahead and work on some packaging for Kubuntu. After 2 years of pestering enough people I finally did the whole MOTU and Core Developer thing. From there I served on various councils such as the Kubuntu Councils, MOTU Council, Regional Membership Board, and I am sure some others. I have written various pieces of code, fixed bugs upstream, and run the whole gambit of what I thought a good community member would do for a project he loved and cherished deeply.

In my time off, I missed so much. There have been so many changes that I haven’t been able to keep up with, and believe me, this is a good thing. Ubuntu and Kubuntu are maturing faster and better than I could have ever imagined. Because of this, and my time away riding the hell out of my bike, I don’t know where I fit in anymore. I am working with Scott and others on the Kubuntu Netbook edition and attempting to get the state of Kubuntu Documentation back up to par again. Thanks to the amazing Rick Spencer for fitting me into a slot helping out with the Netbook stuff, and for that I will be forever grateful. Hopefully we will have an amazing presentation for the Kubuntu Netbook Edition to show everyone for Karmic.

So with that, just know that I might be down, but I am not out. I will no longer stick my nose into the politics and bullshit that has knocked me down in the past, but I will put my nose to the grind stone and continue working on making Kubuntu #1 anyway that I can. I apologize if I have neglected any email from you in the past. I am working on fixing all of that and it will take a little bit of time. I also apologize for making some commitments and not following through on them. I have contacted most of you on this already. I regret that I have to turn down any requests outside of Kubuntu and KDE to help you, but that is how it has to be right now. I am currently working on repriortizing a bunch of things so in the future I am sure I will be able to lend you a hand, so don’t hesitate to keep in touch. My number one priorities right now are obtaining stable employment as this consulting crap is for the birds and continue my cycling adventures. Cycling has helped clear my mind to levels I could never imagine. I guess 300 miles a week can do that to a person ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks to those of you who provided support and the confidence I needed in order to try and continue on, and thank you to everyone who has sent many well wishes and to those who messaged me on IRC and listened to me whine. Now when you message me, I will probably try and get you to help us out on making Kubuntu #1, so be ready!

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Recently I have really gotten into cycling, not just for recreational use, but also for competitive reasons. I am definitely new to their community unlike I have been in the free software community now for more than 15 years. The one thing I noticed is that their community is exactly like ours. Everyone is very welcoming and friendly and it is easy to find a spot just for you. I have done my first 3 group rides within the past week. A group ride is where a bunch of road cyclists get together and do a nice long, fast paced, ride in a group, or what is commonly referred to as a pace line in cycling.

The first ride I went on was with what are called leg shavers. People who are about as close to Lance Armstrong, Levi Leipheimer, Alberto Contador, and others. They ride super fast and they know what they are doing. Well, I definitely didn’t fit in with this crowd but they didn’t discourage me from trying to ride with them at all. Actually some of these semi-pro to professional cyclists took some time with me to teach me the basics, something they probably learned many years ago.

The second ride I went on was with leg shavers as well with a local racing team, which I will probably join in the upcoming months. On Monday they went out for what is called a recovery ride. This type of ride is a slower paced ride with very high RPMs, or cadence in the cycling world. After racing on Saturday and Sunday, these athletes need to keep their legs, lungs, and hearts fresh, so they do a somewhat easy ride. This ride was considered a “no-drop” ride. This means that they will not let you drop off and will always help you through. Now those of you who know me, know that I am a fairly large guy. I am not obese, but I used to play football, did wrestling and martial arts, lifted weights forever. I was always into getting bigger. Well because of this, my cardio is absolute garbage. I can ride for 100 plus miles, but I can’t do it all that fast. This ride was my fastest paced ride at the distance we did to date. There was a woman who made sure I didn’t drop the entire time, her name was Sandy and I am forever in her debt as she was not only patient, but she was a ton of help teaching me the ropes.

The third ride was last night. A nice 31 mile ride that is by far the hilliest ride I have done to date. I didn’t even know we had hills like this in the Chicagoland area. I was great with rolling hills, flats, and downhills. Because I have a solid 220 plus pound body, I can easily toast a lot of people down hill that we were riding with. Now, what goes down, must come up, and my lord did it ever come up. There were 3 hills, and all of them had those scary movie names too. Devils Back, Heart Attack Hill, and I can’t remember the other. Well, those hills kicked my ass. I dropped into the lowest gears I had, and I run triples thankfully. I had dropped from doing 18 mile per hour to about 7 miles per hour, I pushed and I pushed, I saw dots, I felt sick, and my legs were on fire. To my rescue to help me up the hill and make sure I didn’t fall back, another woman cyclist. Sandy was also riding with us that night, but I told her to not fall back because of me, I know the route and I will catch up. Thankfully she listened and got a good workout. The lady who did help me was just as friendly, very motivational, and a lot of fun to ride with.

Since these 3 rides, the last 2 I have made some cool friends and already they are emailing me asking me to come out for a bike ride this weekend and a barbecue. Really cool, and this is the type of stuff I really need, the motivation and camaraderie that will help me from burning out in the open source community. There you go Jono, add cycling to your list of burnout preventors ๐Ÿ™‚ As you can see, they welcome me with open arms the same exact way the open source community has as well. Cycling and Ubuntu are so darn close in community representation that I am falling in love with both more and more every day now.

Another moral to this story, which has become somewhat of a hot topic over the past couple of years deals with women. I am here to tell you that women can be as strong and even stronger then men, in so many ways. When I say stronger, I don’t necessarily mean strength. The past 2 rides I have done has given me even more appreciation for the women in our communities. I am proud to say that I was at the brink of quitting and had women come to my rescue. For those of you out there that want to bash women and say they don’t belong, I know some on bikes that are waiting for you to mount up, and I know plenty who have their IDEs fired up ready to code you a paperbag to crawl into. So I had 2 women stick with me during my rides and help me through it, help me succeed. I had women in the open source community do the same. One of them is my good pointy stick buddy Sarah who probably helped me more than Jonathan Riddell, Brandon Holtsclaw, and Daniel T. Chen put together.


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Ubuntu Cycling

How many cyclists do we have in the house? Did you know there was an Ubuntu Cyclists Team? We are made up from a few hipsters, you know those silly kids who roll up their pant legs, wear funny colored shoes, and those silly cycling caps, similar to the one I am wearing in my Planet Ubuntu hackergotchi, and ride a bike called a fixie. There are some that are leisure riders or commuters, and then there is me, the road cyclist who loves when his legs bleed in pain. I know there is another one, as you had your bike at UDS in Mt. View. Can’t remember the make, it was white though. You had that leg shaver look about you as well. I think Tony Yarusso is also a road cyclist as well, which I have been meaning to make my way up to him and do some riding this summer.

I am looking for more cyclists in our community, and if you fall into this category, hang out with us on #ubuntu-cyclists on IRC (Freenode). I am looking for some road cyclists in or around the Chicagoland area. Tonight I am going out on a training group ride in almost 100°F temperatures. Tonight is attack of the hills out in the western suburbs of Chicago. I am currently planning on entering some Cat 5 races this summer.

So, if you are a cyclist, use Ubuntu, come and join us. I would love to see Mark Shuttleworth, Mr. Athlete himself, get into it and lets create a real licensed and sponsored Team Ubuntu! It would be about the only non-blank cycling jersey I would wear ๐Ÿ™‚

Come on Mark, I saw you running at Mt. View. You passed us twice, and then the third time you came up with a whole tray of Starbucks, impressive ๐Ÿ™‚

Cycling also prevents burnout, right Jono?

Posted in Cycling, Personal | 11 Responses
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