
Old Docs

Wow, I just got the itch tonight to work on some documentation for KDE. I went through KHelpCenter to look at docs and I noticed the 2 big doc sections were badly out of date. KHelpCenter and the User Guide haven’t been touched in ages, well at least until tonight. I have fully updated the KHelpCenter Welcome documentation and I am planning on fixing up the User Guide. I am actually scared of the User Guide as it is huge. If you are jiggy with DocBook/XML and would like to offer a hand on a section, or two, or three, or four, or 100, join me (nixternal) in #kde-docs on Ping me once you join up and are interested. If I don’t answer right away, please stick around, as I will come back to my computer eventually ๐Ÿ™‚

Also, if your application needs docs or the docs need to be updated, please ping me on IRC, as we only have a couple of weeks before the 4.3 documentation freeze. I would like to get as much completed as possible. Thanks!

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Chicago Style Release Party

Ubuntu Chicago held their 9.04 release party this afternoon in stormy downtown Chicago. When we arrived it was HOT and HUMID, when we left it was WET and FREEZING. We had quite a few people show up, and the great thing was it was a lot of new faces, not our typical Chicago gangsters who usually show up. We had a lot of fun all while learning about the LoCo team as well as what is new in the 9.04 versions of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Ubuntu Server.

I want to give a huge thank you to Jim Campbell, Kevin Harriss, and Ilan who is Kevin’s boss. Jim totally set up a really great party and thanks to Kevin and Ilan for hosting us at the Institute of Design. Jim gave 3 presentations, one on the LoCo team and then he briefly covered what was new in both Ubuntu and Xubuntu for 9.04. Kevin, who is typically found with Foresight, but who has replaced his love of freedom with a Macbook, an iPhone, and a Tall non-fat latte, gave a really good overview of what’s new in Ubuntu Server 9.04. Of course I quickly covered Kubuntu 9.04, quickly because my laptop likes to lock up due to a hardware issue that is present in every Linux distro and Windows.

Here are just a few pictures that were taken today for the release party:

Ubuntu Bubbly
Jim pops some bubbly to celebrate the release of Ubuntu Jaunty!

half of the room
This is what I saw when closing my right eye

the other half
This is what I saw when closing my left eye

More pictures can be viewed HERE. I am sure Jim and Nathan will post some pictures as well, so keep an eye out on the planet for more pictures.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and it was really great to finally meet a bunch of new faces, and put faces to those who we have known for a while, but just haven’t gotten to meet.

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Kubuntu Jaunty with Radeon and Release Party

It seems that some of you with Radeon video cards might be experiencing some X related issues. My KDE developer buddy, David Faure has posted a fix that might not be for the faint of heart, but it seems those who have tried have reported success this far. If you would like more information, head on over and read David’s post on Kubuntu Jaunty not liking Radeon cards. Thanks David for the tip!

On another note, tomorrow is the Ubuntu Jaunty Release Party for Ubuntu Chicago. If you would like more information, head on over to Eventbrite and RSVP while you are at it!

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