
Jaunty is released – Party Time!

As I am sure all of you know this already, but Jaunty has been released! Great job to every one involved. From the users to the developers, great job!

On Saturday, Ubuntu Chicago will be holding a Release Party. The party is going to be a great time and everyone is welcome to join us. Click on that release party link above for more information on the party.

Remember, if you plan on attending, please RSVP. Thanks, and hopefully we will see you there!

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Ubuntu Chicago Jaunty Release Party

Ubuntu Chicago Local Community Team

Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope Release Party

Saturday, April 25, 2009 from 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM Chicago time

IIT Institute of Design
350 North La Salle Street
2nd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60654

View Larger Map

To celebrate the latest release of the greatest operating system on earth!

If you plan on attending, please RSVP to let us know. Jim Campbell has also setup a Facebook Event Page for those of you who actually use Facebook.

We have set up an ad-hoc schedule for the event and it is as follows:

  • 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Introductions
  • 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM: Lightning Talks
  • 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM: Installs, Help, Q&A, and Partying

Lightning talks will include:

  • What’s new in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Server, and others for the Jaunty release
  • Introduction to the Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
  • Getting involved in Ubuntu (LoCo Team, Documentation, Bugs, Development, and more)

We hope to see a lot of new faces on Saturday and hope to see a lot of the Original Gangsters of Ubuntu Chicago. So come on out and enjoy the fun, see you Saturday!

21:50:47 [ nixternal] I think I have covered everything right?
21:50:59 [      j1mc] nixternal: i still think we should mention pizza.
21:51:19 [ nixternal] you just did
21:51:40 [      j1mc] ah, ok
21:51:40 [ nixternal] follow up my blog post with one that just says "With Pizza" :)
21:52:44 [      j1mc] can't you add something about pizza to your blog post?
21:52:51 [ nixternal] doing it now
21:52:55 [      j1mc] thanks :)
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I am sure many of you have heard the quote, “Gentoo is for Ricers.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the word ricer, here is what Urban Dictionary says about it:

A person who makes unecessary modifications to their most often import car (hence the term “rice”) to make it (mostly make it look) faster.

There is also a list of these unecessary modifications and one such modification is:

  • Lots of after-market company stickers they don’t have parts from, but must be cool

Here in Chicago we see a lot of these, and they are typically slammed with stickers, more than the hideous Red Bull Cars we see driving around here quite a bit.

OK, so I am hitting on the stickers portion of this, because yes you can make all kinds of modifications to Gentoo, but they typically are not useless modifications, so lets just concentrate on the stickers. Well, I had noticed at a recent open source event here in Chicago, the people who were using Gentoo on their laptops didn’t have stickers plastered all over them, and those with Ubuntu did. Odd, you would almost think that Ubuntu was for Ricers.

Just to prove this, here is a query I did on Flickr:

And the results:

  • We found 2 results matching gentoo and laptop and stickers.
  • We found 112 results matching ubuntu and laptop and stickers

What a huge difference!

I meant to blog this back in December after UDS, because I had witnessed more stickers per square inch on many laptops, most notably Jono Bacon’s laptop. People always say I have a lot of stickers on my laptop too, which I do.

Anyways, this useless post was to let everyone know that I have just busted the Gentoo is for Ricers stereotype. Now that this post is finished, I want to see some groovy laptop stickers. Link me to them. I did find one on Flickr with a Notice to Law Enforcement that was totally great, but I can’t find it now.

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