
Jaunty 64-bit and Eclipse

It all started a couple of weeks ago, issues with getting Eclipse 3.4 installed on my machine that is. I am running Kubuntu Jaunty 64-bit and noticed that I was having issues with Eclipse 3.4. The issues seem to have stemmed from Xulrunner but the errors I located in /path/to/workspace/.metadata/.log said nothing about Xulrunner that I could find. It seemed to be issues with SWT. I went nuts, installing everything from the build-deps of the old Eclipse in the repos, to installing each and every libswt package known to man.

Well today I finally got fed up and decided to dig into it. Hell, not much digging was needed, because the first link I found had the answer. Simply export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to the location of Firefox prior to firing up Eclipse. Are you kidding me? That was it? Yes it was.

So here is how I set it up to work for me:

  1. Go to and download the Eclipse Classic 3.4.x 64-bit version.
  2. Extract the tarball (ie. tar -xf eclipse*.tar.gz)
  3. Move the eclipse directory to /opt/ (ie. mv eclipse/ /opt/)
  4. Create the file /usr/local/bin/eclipse and make it executable (ie. sudo touch /usr/local/bin/eclipse && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/eclipse).
  5. Add the following lines to the /usr/local/bin/eclipse:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.7

That was it. Make sure that your installation of Firefox 3.0.x is correct in the export line and all should be good. Hope this helps any of you who were facing this problem or maybe who will face this problem in the future.

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Who has the perfect IMAP setup?

Well, here I am, fiddling with my email still! I have been using GMail with IMAP now for about a year because a) I was to lazy to setup my own IMAP server again and b) GMail has decent spam filtering, email filtering, and the labels stuff. Plus it is nice when I can’t get access to one of my machines to fire up Mutt, I can just hit the web browser, though that hasn’t happened to me yet.

I spent quite a bit of yesterday and today fiddling around with some things that my buddy Greg posted about a month ago. See, I have had Mutt doing the generic IMAP thing with GMail and it works fairly well. The downfall is how slow it is. See, I get quite a bit of email, probably to much to be honest. Mutt + GMail grabs the emails just fine, but for some reason when I am going through my list of about 5,000 or so, scrolling is painfull. So I setup Greg’s way from his post, or similar to it. This helped tremendously, but I still am not all that happy with it. For some reason, the application offlineimap creates funny named folders for the [GMAIL] stuff. I used the patched Mutt so I have my nice little folder bar on the left. With the new folder names locally, my folder bar is a mess unless I widen it. Doing this tends to kill off a lot of the threads as they grow deeper and deeper.

Anyways, enough of that stuff. What I am looking for is the perfect IMAP setup. I just need the IMAP portion for email, as I use my ISP for SMTP. What is the perfect IMAP setup in your opinion?

Posted in Application | Tagged | 7 Responses

Ubuntu Chicago GBJ – 5 Hours Into It

This is kicking some ass. Everyone is actually working quit hard on triaging and really fixing bugs. Totally impressed with the turnout tonight and I am really looking forward to tomorrow. Guess what, I finally get to meet the amazing Nathan Handler, the ultimate MOTU!

I have some more pictures to share and more are available HERE.

Caffeine + 7.0% Alcohol == WOW!!!

One bug down! err, beer

Evan and Centro kick ass!

Yes, Centro totally kicks ass. They do really cool media work, advertising stuff, and more. They have totally sponsored this entire event here serving us some killer Chicago Pizza, and drinks (beer and soda). The area is cool and people are working. Totally awesome! Yes Jorge, I took your word there.


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