
I will never bet again – day 1 with GNOME

Well, I lost a bet this week and the result was I had to use GNOME for 1 month. I could easily cheat, but I wanted to go through with it and see what I have “supposedly been missing.” Well after day 1, I have to admit that after listening to Jorge talk about the Dust theme, I have a somewhat pretty lookin’ desktop.

So, I went ahead and installed Empathy to chat with my buds, Gnome-Do because everyone ooh’s and ahh’s over it, and Gwibber, so I can tweet in style. I tried using the Gnome-Do Twitter plugin, but it didn’t work at all for me. Well it worked a little, as in I could see others tweets, but it didn’t like mine at all. Always said it had some sort of authorization error.

I am impressed with the quality of GNOME these days and I have to take my hat off to all of those involved. GNOME still is not for me, and probably never will be, but it is fun from time-to-time to check out the competition. I have GNOME on my home desktop, but the rest of my machines are either KDE 4 (4.1.3 Kubuntu and Trunk with Debian), and WMII (umph!).

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Phrase from nearest book meme

Meme from Jono.

Funny this one came up, as Greg Grossmeier and I are sitting in the Farmington Community Library in Farmington Hills, Michigan. This book was literally pulled from the shelf no more than 10 feet away from me.

No introduction or credentials are required for persons over high school age.” – The United States Government Manual (2007-2008).

This totally explains how G Dub got into office 😛

  • Grab the nearest book.
  • Open it to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
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Ant, RPM, why do my dashes become underscores?

Just wanted to throw this out and see if anyone else is experiencing this, has experienced this, or knows how to fix this. I only know of one way to reproduce this and it is using Ant to create RPMs. I have my directory structure like the following:


When I run Ant in sub-folder, it will break complaining that there is no such file or directory. It is there! For real it is. But after further review, I noticed it wasn’t lying, but it was looking for a different directory. It was looking for the following:


That’s right, it is trying to do work in the sub_folder instead of the correct sub-folder. I am going nuts trying to figure this out.

My work around right now is to rename the sub-folder to sub_folder and then everything works out. Any ideas?

Note: This just started happening in Intrepid, worked fine earlier in Intrepid and worked in Hardy.

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