

I wanted to let all of the Planet KDE and Planet Ubuntu readers know just how awesome our communities are. 24 hours ago I wrote a blog post titled, “KDE 4.1 documentation needs your help,” and we received and overwhelming response. On a typical day, #kde-docs on IRC has about 5 people idling most of the time. Right now there are 19 people, of which 75% of them are working on documentation right now. Simply awesome! We have been up to around 25 people earlier, but still this is the most action I have seen in that channel in the past 3 years.

I want to give a quick thanks to the following people on IRC who jumped in and started working:

  • Anne-Marie Mahfouf
  • David Edmundson
  • Faemir
  • frewsxcv
  • gaurav
  • hdevalence
  • Jonathan Jesse
  • Karthik Periagaram
  • katastrophe
  • NigelS
  • Roshan (ubunturos)
  • Stephanie Whiting
  • and others I may have missed…


Jumping in and contributing to a free software project is so easy these days. Proof are those who jumped in yesterday and today and started cranking out documentation work without ever having worked on such a thing in the past.

If you are looking to help out KDE any ways possible, documentation is about the easiest thing there is. Just have a good grasp of the English language (we have proof readers, or you can be a proof reader), and have just a bit of interest in writing. You can update current documentation, add new documentation, proof read, and more. If you are interested, #kde-docs on Freenode IRC is where we are at. Do not worry if you don’t know DocBook/XML, it would be awesome if you did, but myself and others who work with DocBook/XML have no problems taking any formatted document you have and either converting into DocBook/XML or copy and pasting into a file.

Thanks again everyone and keep on making KDE rock!

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KDE 4.1 documentation needs your help

Wow what a day! I woke up this morning to an email from Allen Winter letting us know that he would like to implement a documentation freeze on June 3, 2008. That is like 2 weeks away! There is still a lot of documentation work to be done and very few of us to spread around. This is where you come in!

  • Can you read and write English?
  • Can you write technical documentation using DocBook/XML?
  • Do you have KDE 4.1 running on one of your machines? (either a recent alpha release or a trunk checkout will do…it would be nice if you were running a 4.1 or trunk release)
  • Can you do 200 push ups?

Wait a second!?!? 200 push ups? Don’t know how that one got in there. Anyways, we NEED PEOPLE OF ALL SKILL SETS, who can read and write English fairly well, to help us get out as much documentation as possible for the 4.1 release, due out on my birthday, July 29th! If you are familiar with writing documentation and know your way around DocBook/XML, man do we have a lot of work for you ๐Ÿ™‚ If you can read and write English but aren’t up on your DocBook skills, we can use you as well, and will have plenty for you to do.

There is plenty to be done and this is a perfect opportunity for you to get involved with KDE development. If you are interested, please get on IRC and join us in #kde-docs on Freenode. I (nixternal) will be around pretty much all day to help out as well as a few others will be in there to help out as well. So if you are ready to jump into something head first, hey, come and see us ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks everyone!

Posted in Development | Tagged , | 10 Responses

What is your vision of a LUG

OK, so the scenario is this…You are a new Linux user or want to try Linux, but would like to know more before hand. You hear about a local Linux Users Group and prior to going to one of their events, you sit back for a moment and try to envision what it would be like.

Tell me, what is that you envision?

Now that you have envisioned it, how would you really like the LUG to look, feel, and run?

The reason I am asking, is that the LUG in which I am the Vice President of is currently in the restructuring phase. I would like to get some ideas on how to make LUG meetings not only better, but make then accessible to every type of person that shows up.

So, if you have any suggestions, just add them to the comments. Thanks!

Posted in Linux | Tagged | 7 Responses
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