
Free Software Conference

If you are in or around Chicago tomorrow, Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th, the University of Illinois at Chicago is holding their 2nd annual Flourish Conference. There will be speakers, hack-a-thons, a mini BarCamp, and more. Registration starts at 9am. Tomorrows first talk is Bruce Perens followed by John ‘Maddog’ Hall. I just got wind at the panel talk tomorrow, there will be a Microsoft representative on the board taking questions. Oh boy do I feel bad for him! Anyways, if you plan on coming, try and register on the website to save you $10 at the door. If you have to pay $10, it is a decent deal considering some of the swag you might be able to walk away with as well as a continental breakfast. If I get there before you though, I will eat all of the food!

So, I hope to see you there tomorrow. If you go, just ask around for me if you don’t know who I am, that is of course if you feel like meeting up. And don’t forget your GPG keys! On Saturday I will be giving a talk on the KDE community as well as an overview of KDE 4.

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New Kubuntu KDE 4 Remix

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Upcoming week in review

This weekend, April 4th and 5th, is the annual Flourish Conference, a decent sized free software conference held at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This years guest speakers include Bruce Perens, John ‘Maddog’ Hall, James Bottomley, Brian Fitzpatrick, Ben Collins-Sussman, and me of course, plus many more. Some of the events being held include a mini-BarCamp, a Hack-A-Thon, and a Web Framework battle. If you are in or around Chicago, I hope to see you there! I will be giving a talk on the KDE community as well as KDE 4.

Lighter side of things, I updated my Vista box to SP1 this past week. I haven’t been attacked by the driver issues and what not, but I am getting killed every time I let the computer fall asleep. I can click my mouse button to wake the computer up, but upon wakeup, neither the keyboard or the mouse work. I was going to file a bug report, however I was unable to find their bug tracker ๐Ÿ˜›

I see we are now a few weeks away from the 8.04 release. That is pretty groovy. Is it me or did this release cycle seem to go on forever? Dapper was 9 months yet seemed faster. Edgy was 3 months and was really fast. Feisty and Gutsy flew by, but Hardy, heck we still have a few weeks to go. What a busy cycle. I am excited with a lot of the new features with our beloved Kubuntu release. Thus far, Kubuntu Hardy with KDE 4 has been rock solid. The only issue I had during this entire cycle was the libc6 issue. Remember that one? That was fun ๐Ÿ™‚

My blog was recently updated to WordPress 2.5. I am not sure yet if I really like the whole new admin interface just yet. It seems a bit slower than the previous releases, but it does look a tad bit better in most ways. I didn’t have any problems either. Gotta love those one-click installs that Dreamhost provides. All I had to do was just update the database and rock on. None of the problems like with the previous 2.2.x releases that drove many of us up a wall.

Oh well, here’s to you and hoping that I see you at Flourish! Take care!

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