

I just learned the hard way. I updated all 3 about 15 minutes ago, and lets just say, none of them work. I can get to TTY, but can’t log in. malloc this and malloc that everywhere.

Thank God for my Foresight install! Otherwise, like I just told Ken Vandine, if it weren’t for Foresight, I would be watching TV right now :p So I guess while I have Foresight up and running, KDE 4.0.2 as well baby, I might as well work on some Foresight bugs now.

Talk about irritating, I was working on my 5-a-day and my really-fix-its. Now I will work on a small https issue, some rebranding for Foresight KDE 4, and maybe even some documentation. Get ready Ken, here I come! Prepare to upload ๐Ÿ™‚

/me ssh’s into Og’s box and does ‘sudo conary update group-kde-dist’

Posted in Personal | 33 Responses

Five with five

Celeste, I have no problem going off-topic every now and then with a blog post, I am used to people yelling at me already ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, in response to your 5 artists 5 songs post, here are mine:

Sammy Hagar

  • Cabo Wabo (really by Van Halen, but it is Sammy’s song!)
  • Eagles Fly (really by Van Halen, but Sammy made the song!)
  • Shaka Doobie
  • Mas Tequila
  • One Sip

The Beatles

  • Yesterday
  • Hey Jude
  • Let it be
  • Yellow Submarine
  • Come together
  • truthfully, there isn’t a Beatles song that isn’t my favorite

Led Zeppelin

  • Dazed and confused (man those were the days)
  • Stairway to heaven
  • Black dog
  • Moby Dick
  • Kashmir

Pink Floyd

  • Comfortably numb
  • Time
  • The great gig in the sky
  • Wish you were here
  • Another brick in the wall (Pt. 1 and 2)

Brittany Spears
Eric Claptop

  • Tears in heaven (I still shed a tear during this tune)
  • Layla
  • Crossroads (this is more Robert Johnson, but you can hear Eric wailing away with Cream)
  • Cocaine
  • Wonderful tonight (my karaoke song on every date)
  • and a lot more…

This is tough to list my top 5, as I have a lot of blues and reggae favorites that are up there as well. People like BB King, Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Robert Johnson, Blind Boy Fuller, Mephis Minnie, Bo Diddley, Bob Marley, Buju Banton, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff, and many more. Janis Jopplin is another favorite of mine. OK, I could go on forever, but now I will list my 5 friends who I want to see there 5 groups 5 songs. Those people are Ken Vandine, Kevin Harriss, Jorge Castro, Stephen Stalcup, Jonathan Jesse, and everyone’s favorite, Juan Carlos Torres.

Now for on-topic talk, remember to do your 5 A Day, and remember to drink your Ovaltine!

Posted in Personal | 2 Responses

Ubuntu wiki editing made easy

If you spend a lot of time editing wiki pages from within your browser, do I have some good news for you! The good news? It is called editmoin. Editmoin is a simple application, available in the repositories, that allows you to edit any MoinMoin wiki page from within your default text editor.

Setup took me a few minutes to finally get correct, but after dabbling for a few minutes, I got it down. What you will need is the MOIN_ID cookie which you can grab by viewing the cookies from within your browser. The line you are interested in is the Content section. For example, for, you may see content that looks similar to 1a2b3CdEFG4hIJ/5klMnoPQrsTuVWxyzabCdefgH6iJk. Once you have this, you create a file named .moin_ids in your home directory, and then add the following information: 1a2b3CdEFG4hIJ/5klMnoPQrsTuVWxyzabCdefgH6iJk

Once you have done that and saved it, at the command line type the following:

foo@bar:~$ editmoin

That will open up the page for your editing delight! This is much faster than editing pages with a browser, at least it is for me, and I am sure many of you will feel the same.

Once you have that setup, read over the editmoin documentation for some other customizations such as vi syntax highlighting and aliases. For syntax highlighting you will need 2 extra files:

Hope I covered the necessities here, if not, add them to the comments. Thanks!

EDIT: If you do not see MOIN_ID, that means you need to log into the wiki first.

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