
Unofficial Official Results for KDE 4

A lot of people seem to be upset by the recent news of Kubuntu supporting both KDE 3 and KDE 4, however dropping the LTS moniker that people have come to love. Well I decided to unofficially show the stats about KDE 3 and KDE 4 that were not used. These results would be official because they are generated by Google, a company we can all trust and all live, right?

Google: “KDE 4 rocks” – Results: 1,980,000 Pages
Google: “KDE 4 sucks” – Results: 289,000 Pages

So obviously according to Google, KDE 4 rocks, it doesn’t suck!

Google: “KDE 3 rocks” – Results: 228,000 Pages
Google: “KDE 3 sucks” – Results: 283,000 Pages

Obviously these results show a bug with Google’s process, so ignore these results, but the KDE 4 results are still good, no bugs there. By the way, KDE 3 rocks! Google sucks!

Google: “Kubuntu rocks” – Results: 491,000 Pages
Google: “Kubuntu sucks” – Results: 93,400 Pages

These results are solid, however I am not happy with them, possibly by generating multiple control sets for my tests to cover all of the spelling errors people have created when referring to Kubuntu (ie. kubnutu, kubunut, kooboontoo).

Google: “Kubuntu should go KDE 4” – Results: 602,000 Pages
Google: “Kubuntu should stay KDE 3” – Results: 79,500 Pages

So did the Technical Board make a wise decision to concentrate on KDE 4? Google seems to think so. However, the Kubuntu team has decided we will offer both KDE 3 and KDE 4. KDE 3 will be the same quality as before, even better this go-round with added features, bug fixes, and new artwork (once again). KDE 4, well that is a new mountain we face, and I know quite a few of us are already on our way up that mountain.

If you are finishing up your PhD thesis, I highly recommend you use Google to do all of your tests, NASA does, the CIA does, and Santa Claus does!

Posted in Personal | 12 Responses

Kubuntu 8.04 Featuring KDE 4

Yes, you heard that right! Kubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron, will provide you the option of using either KDE 3.5 or KDE 4. Jonathan Riddell just posted the news in an email to the Kubuntu Developer’s mailing list, and you can read that email right HERE. We are going to focus on getting the bugs fixed in 3.5 and creating room for a Kubuntu with KDE 4. This means that Kubuntu 8.04 will not be an LTS (Long Term Support) release and will offer the typical 18 months of support. After the 8.04 release you can pretty much bet on Kubuntu being a KDE 4 release only!

So, if you have been wanting to get involved in the development cycle of a Linux distribution, there is no time better than right now to come join us in #kubuntu-devel on IRC and start helping out. There is plenty to do for people with all skill sets, such as:

  • KDE 3.5 bug fixing
  • KDE 4 patching and packaging
  • Development work to implement some KDE 3.5 applications for Kubuntu with KDE 4
  • Documentation for KDE 4 in Kubuntu
  • And anything else we can come up with…
  • Read up on Kubuntu development

This is all just starting to build up now, so a little patience will of course be needed while we develop the master plan now that we know what our direction will be. So like I said, if you feel like getting involved, come join us and help us make Kubuntu the greatest KDE 4 distribution possible!

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Attracting Local Developers

Do any of you (besides the Chicago LUG) run something that attracts local developers? What I mean is, for example, the Chicago LUG has a thing called “Programming Tonight” where developers meet up and hack at a nice quiet location while enjoying some food and drink. If you do have something like that, would you have any suggestions that might intrigue people into wanting to check it out and what not?

I am a businessman and marketer by trade, but I really enjoy development work both as a hobby and a profession and I would like to meet up and hack on free software, no matter the language used.

If you happen to live in the DuPage county area of the Chicago suburbs, drop me a line and let me know if you would be interested in something like this. Maybe we could meet up one night a week for a couple of hours for some food, drink, and hacking, or once every other week. If you think that I just need to find more friends than I have on IRC, then that is fine as well ๐Ÿ™‚

On another note, 2 finals complete with 2 finals to go at the uni! Man I can’t wait for Wednesday to be here and be gone!

Posted in Personal | 3 Responses
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