
My list of bands…

…that I have never seen, and never had the chance to see. So Jono, here you go with my list ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Led Zeppelin
  • Pink Floyd
  • The Beatles

I would love to head to England and see Led Zeppelin play their 1 time only reunion next month. I have been to a many Pink Floyd laser light shows here in the US. If you are in the US, and have never seen a Pink Floyd laser light show, I am telling you right now to get to one. For those of you in the Hotlanta area of Georgia (US), get to Stone Mountain, that is of course if they are still doing them there. I seen 1 or 2 shows there many years ago. Absolutely amazing! Those of you in Colorado, January 18th is the next show. HERE is a YouTube video, very quick, showing off what the show is like. If you look in the right pane on YouTube (or ewwTube because of the flash requirement ๐Ÿ™‚ ) you can see a bunch of other videos.

Posted in Personal | 7 Responses

KDE 4 Plasmoid Fun

Well, it is almost bedtime, but before I went, I wanted to show off my KDE 4 desktop as it stands right now. Note, I do not use all of those plasmoids, I was just playing to see what all was working. Thus far, weather and temperature (cpu) are the only ones not working for me, but I am sure after further tweaking I can get them to work. Well, w/o further ado, here you go:

KDE 4 Desktop

What you are seeing is the trashcan, battery indicator, network connection, calculator, comic strip from the web, clock, hardware info, and KDE twitter. So, now that I have a Twitter account, feel free to follow me.

Posted in Development | Tagged | 20 Responses

Who here runs Gnome Applets in KDE?

I am currently writing up some information for extra applications available to Kubuntu users and a couple of people have expressed that having information about some Gnome panel applets would be good. Can you run Gnome panel applets in KDE? I have never tried, nor have the time right now, but if you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Posted in Application | Tagged | 7 Responses
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