
Dist Upgrade Complete

I am now running Hardy on my production laptop. This is typical, however I started a bit late with my unstable abuse that I enjoy for one reason or the other. I installed Dapper Flight 3 on this Laptop and have dist-upgraded ever since. So that was like March of ’06? Not to shabby. I have yet to do a fresh install on this laptop, and it runs as great as it did just over a year and a half ago. Impressive Kubuntu!

So just a quick howto on how I did my latest dist-upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy:

$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list    # in vim do :%s/gutsy/hardy then press enter
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo shutdown -r now

Doesn’t get any easier! Granted many people will tell you “NOOOOOOO!” when it comes to this way, but it has yet to fail me in over a year and a half. So, while I have Hardy running, it is time to attack some bugs and get to hacking!

Yes, I used VIM in this write-up, so don’t spam the comments with nano, pico, emacs, and gEdit spam! Reason for using VIM, everyone, well everyone who just installed Gutsy from a CD, has VIM installed ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted in Linux | Tagged | 21 Responses

Bibliography Help

What do you use when you create a “Works Cited” or “Bibliography” page when writing? Is there any one application that totally rocks for this feat? It would be great to find one that polls a database upon an author name, or a book title, and then automagically fills in the rest of the bib. If you have some goodies, let me know. Thanks!

EDIT: I gave noodlebib a shot tonight, which is an online app through the university that is decent. I would rather have something local though.

Posted in Application | Tagged | 22 Responses

FREE Ubuntu CDs This Sunday

Yes people, you heard right. I have a nice selection of official Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu CDs in my possession. If you live in or near Chicago, then I suggest you make your way out to the College of DuPage on Sunday from 10am to 4pm (Chicago time) for the monthly LUG meeting. Here is the address:

College of DuPage
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Student Resource Center, Room 1544

HERE is the floor layout of the SRC. HERE is a 3D view of the entire campus. Best parking will be on the south side of the SRC building on the southern part of the guest parking, right near the SCC building. If you enter that way, come through the main doors in the SRC and head to your right. You will see an art gallery on your left hand side. Turn left there and we will be right across the hallway from the gallery. Hope to see you there!

Oh, we have free bagles, donut holes, and coffee too. And if we run out before you get there, sorry ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT: I will be presenting KDE 4!

Posted in Linux | Tagged , | 6 Responses
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