
Opening an Access DB

I am currently working on a DB API for a Java application, and one of the requests was to be able to query Microsoft Access Databases. OK, no problem I thought. I could easily open up these databases with Database or even Kexi. WRONG! Neither of them would open or even import the database. I personally am not a fan of OO.o, so I went over with Kexi. After some fiddling around, I did apt-cache search mdb just to see what there was. Low and behold there were two applications of interest. kexi-mdb-driver and kexi-mdb-plugin. I first tried the plugin and all that did was make Kexi crash. So I removed the plugin and then tried to use the driver instead. Booyah! It worked like a champ. It imported not only the structure 100% correctly, but also all of the data.

/me gets back to hacking now that he knows what is in the database itself. </query_hell>

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Request for Kubuntu users

If you are a Kubuntu user then we have a very small request. Currently, the space on the Kubuntu CDs are next to nothing, which means that it is darn near impossible to add more applications to the CDs themselves in order to keep them on a single CD. After our recent OpenWeek sessions, one of the community members, mzungu, brought up some important applications that are available and would be nice to have on the CD. Since the CD is full, we have to turn this idea down at this time. However, after mzungu and I spoke a little more on the subject, we realized just how important it is to let new users know just how many applications are available to them in the repositories. And since we can’t add them all to a CD, I have decided to go forward with a new addition to the Kubuntu documentation called “Kubuntu Extras.” This document will make its way into the 8.04 (Hardy Heron) documentation installed with Kubuntu as well as live in a location, not yet determined, on the community documentation wiki.

So what is the request? If there is an application that you just absolutely love and cannot live without, that wasn’t installed by default when you installed Kubuntu, then we would like you to add that application to a page mzungu created on the wiki. You can find the page at If the application you were going to add is already on there, then just go ahead and put a checkmark next to it. To do a checkmark with the MoinMoin wiki language, you just add (./) next to the application you want.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (nixternal) on IRC (in a ton of channels, so it isn’t hard to find me, or you can just /msg me), or leave a comment in this post. Thanks everyone!

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OpenWeek Has Come and Gone

Thank you to all of the community volunteers who stepped up this past week to make OpenWeek a success once again. Everyone did a great job and the people who joined and asked questions did so in top fashion. So cheers to everyone who got involved and to everyone who stopped by and here is hoping to see you at the next OpenWeek in about 6 months!

To view the logged sessions, just click on one of the session names at the bottom located at and read on! Thanks to Alan Pope for getting all of the logs to the wiki and thanks to those who helped.

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