
Want help installing Ubuntu?

If so, then make your way to the Ubuntu Chicago and College of DuPage Gutsy Release Party and Install Fest. It is now midnight here in Chicago and I have just finished burning a set of CDs for tomorrow. I used some LightScribe love on them, however I rushed the job. I used an Ubuntu label image I found online, but the Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu ones I made. The Xubuntu one isn’t the greatest, only because I couldn’t do the logo like the rest, because of that pesky mouse in the middle, and the last time I checked, a CD was like a donut, it has a hole in the middle ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, tomorrow from 10am until 4pm (CST) at the College of DuPage. 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. We will be in room SRC 1544, and as long as I don’t forget, I will put up some signage at the 2 main entrances. So if you don’t see a sign, you are in the wrong place, unless it is the roundish looking white building, then you are in the right place. Just come on down to the first floor and have some fun!

HERE are what the CDs look like after LightScribing them. Not the best, but they work ๐Ÿ™‚

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Kubuntu 7.10 Released

Kubuntu 7.10 Released

October 18, 2007 – Kubuntu 7.10 Officially Releases. Highlights for this release are:

  • KDE 3.5.8
  • KDE PIM Enterprise Edition
  • 2.3
  • Dolphin File Manager by default
  • Kubuntu Restricted Manager makes installing those non-free drivers a breeze
  • Strigi Indexer and Search Daemon
  • New Qt Language Bindings for C# (Qyoto) and Java (Jambi)
  • KDE 4 Beta 3 in the Universe repositories
  • and much more…

Yesterday, while writing the release notes for, I asked for some title names by telling people to fill in the blanks. The results? Some of them were pretty funny, and some were pretty frightening, and one I really liked. Here are some for your viewing pleasure:

Kubuntu 7.10 - What the F is a Gibbon?
kubuntu 7.10 - putting the K in Kicking A***
Kubuntu 7.10 - Good?... or Gutsy?
Kubuntu 7.10 - Putting the K in Ubuntu
Kubuntu 7.10 - Sticking it to the man!
Kubuntu 7.10 - Because KDE is still Better
Kubuntu 7.10 - If god had a desktop
Kubuntu 7.10 - Use it or I'll Eat this Kitten.
Kubuntu 7.10 - Because Gutsiness is next to Godliness
Kubuntu 7.10 - forget Feisty! Fling Feces
Kubuntu 7.10 - PURE KENIUS
Kubuntu 7.10 - Go for the Gutsy
Kubuntu 7.10 - Does this look infected to you?
Kubuntu 7.10 - There Be Dragons Still
Kubuntu 7.10 - No Animals were Harmed in the Making of this Distro
                      (except for nixternal, but that was an accident.)
Kubuntu 7.10 - 100% USDA Certified Organic Gutsy
Kubuntu 7.10 - Forget the Gibbon go with the Dragon
Kubuntu 7.10 - Monkey with this!!
Kubuntu 7.10 - For Monkey's that breath fire
Kubuntu 7.10 - Cause honestly Why wouldn't you?
Kubuntu 7.10 - Or else the Terrorists have already won

This is what happens when you ask such a question to sleep deprived developers on the eve of release. Anyways, Kubuntu 7.10 is out, it kicks arse, and I am proud to have worked with the greatest group of developers that I have ever worked with. So what are you waiting for, go DOWNLOAD it already!

Thanks to every person who filed a bug report, who fixed a bug, who thought about fixing a bug, who packaged a bug, who repackaged the package to fix that bug, who answered a question on the user lists, who answered a question on IRC, who…ahh hell! Thank You Everyone!!!

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Thank You System76

Just a quick thank you to the crew over at System76 for the flyers and the “Powered by Ubuntu” stickers for the Ubuntu Chicago Gutsy Release Fest and the CoDLUG Install Fest. If you are in the Chicagoland area, please stop on by. Bring a computer and lets install Gutsy!

gutsy flyer
Here is the flyer!

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