
Gimp Liquification

After reading Jorge’s blog post titled Amazing open source image resizing technology, I decided to download and install the new plugin into Gimp and give it a try. The outcome, not to shabby, but not even close to great at the same time. Take a look at the before and after images below:


before liquidizing


after liquidizing

The things that stick out graphically after using the liquid plugin is the set of weights in the background, one is considerably smaller than the other. The other thing is look at the collar the dog is wearing, looks like he chewed it up. Yet, the dogs head looks fine visually. Another downside, a 1600×1200 jpg file before using the plugin, is 484k in size. After using the liquid plugin and knocking it down to 1024×768, the size almost doubled to 836k.

Still pretty cool, and I am sure after further tweaking and playing around it will get better. One thing to note, is that I haven’t played with all of the available settings when using the plugin either. The main reason for this plugin from the previous videos I had seen, was say you want to keep the width at 1600, but wanted to shrink the height to 768, this plugin would allow you to do it without skewing the image to bad. Which that impressed me, however the increase in size was a little bad. I want to see some cool panoramic images of the ocean, or mountains, or rolling hills and see what the outcome is.

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This is definitely easier than emailing each list to inform everyone of my absence.

Anyways, I have been left with a very unstable Internet connection at home which hasn’t worked itself out all of the way yet. Hopefully today will be a little better but I am not counting on it. It hasn’t been all that bad, because I have been able to catch up on school work and venture out and experience this so called thing called life.

Projects I have on hold and will be working on once I am able to get a decent connection at home:

  • KDE
    • I will update the Techbase stuff for the KDE 4 Documentation TODO list when I can, I have emailed the kde-doc list, so check your mail
    • I am looking over the KHelpCenter code to see how the “What’s This?” and the PDF creation can be implemented cleanly
  • Kubuntu
    • Will download the latest kdelibs package to work on the translations tab for LP translators
    • Looking over the edubuntu-desktop-kde package to see what else we can look at adding
    • I have a few bugs to close yet on a couple of packages, and I would like to get those done as soon as I can
    • 2 more days until string freeze – will have an updated, semi-final/final package built with the final string changes for translations (if you are using Kubuntu Gutsy, can you please check out the documentation and file any bugs that you see – thanks!

Hopefully I will be back to work here soon, only have about 15 minutes before I am done with school. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

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RE: Javascript performance in browsers

This post is just a quickie in response to Mike Hommey’s recent blog post titled “Javascript performance in browsers“. His post was in response to a Javascript Speed Test ran by So far, they have listed all of the browsers that I don’t use. So I decided to test my preferred browser, Konqueror, with this speed test. And without further ado, here are the results:

Konquerors Javascript speed test results

As it stands, and taking into consideration the results displayed by Mike, Konqueror would roughly be in 4th place. I must say that, Opera is damn fast, and it looks as if the GdkWebKit is looking fairly impressive in speed results.

Now I know that Javascript isn’t that big of a deal, and if anyone knows of some other browser speed tests, let us know. It would be kind of cool to test different browsers on my same machine here to see just how fast the free software browsers are in comparison to the proprietary ones.

Posted in Linux | Tagged | 16 Responses
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