
What if there was just 1

  • Linux distribution?
  • Linux Desktop environment?
  • Linux email client?
  • Linux web browser?

Myself and Jordan were talking about this yesterday. I am all for more than 1 of each whereas Jordan was just for one. It was interesting to see the arguments on both sides. Today I asked the Chicago GLUG guys on IRC the same question, and it had very similar results as mine and Jordan’s conversation.

So I ask you, is having thousands of distributions bad or good, and why? What about desktop environments?

My arguments all stem from the same topics.

  • more options mean more choices – more choices leads to stiffer competition
  • more options means stiffer competition – stiffer competition means better software

I am interested in hearing what others have to say. If you blog about it, link back here so we can track it. Thanks!

Posted in Linux | 36 Responses

Another PC vendor selling Linux

That’s right! This time it is Hewlett Packard. Wired has a nice blog post about the new deal. HP will sell some pretty nice machines with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating system. This current deal is for Australia only at this time, but I am sure it will eventually take off in other countries as well. I have always been an HP/Compaq fan for many years. Yes, working a contract job for them a few years ago probably helped in my liking of them, but I am currently using a Compaq laptop that “just works” with pretty much every Linux distribution I have thrown at it. It is rock solid, very stable, and actually very pleasing to the eye. This is awesome to see yet another major hardware vendor selling Linux, another milestone in the future of Linux.

Posted in Linux | 5 Responses

KDE 4.0 – The Stocking Stuffer

It was announced today that KDE 4.0 will be delayed 2 months in order to get in 2 extra beta releases. This will now push the release date into the holidays. Now I know a lot of you are like “aww shucks, I wanted it sooner” and there are those of you like “ha ha we told you so”. Well for the “aww shucks” crowd, Kubuntu will be releasing the beta packages for Gutsy on the day that the beta is announced, with a Feisty package set right behind it, if not ready on the same day. For the “ha ha we told you so” crowd, ya I guess you did, but this is better not only for the KDE project, but also for the users of KDE 4.

Beta testers are needed for KDE 4, so I highly recommend that when we release the packages into the wild (keep an eye out on for the news release), you should start playing around with it.

On another note, if you have always wanted to help out with a Free Software Project, here is your chance. KDE is always interested in new developers, documenters, marketers, and more. So with this, I would like to call out to people interested in documenting. As it stands, there are less than 6 of us in KDE who do a majority of the documentation. We have a lot to do for KDE 4 and would love any and all help. If you feel like helping, stop by #kde-docs on Freenode and say hello. If you don’t get a hello back right away, please don’t get discouraged. There are times that #kde-docs looks like a ghost town. If myself, Phil, or Jonathan are around, you will get a response and we can see how you can fit into the project. DocBook/XML of course will be a plus, but it isn’t necessary. It is easy for you to write in plain text, or on a wiki and one of us can do the conversion for you.

Thanks everyone!

Posted in Development | Tagged , | 4 Responses
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