
Soy preso guantanamero

Growing up a large Latino neighborhood in Chicago, the song Guantanamera became one of my favorite songs ever. Most of the people in my area were from Mexico, yet one of the top songs you would always hear just happened to be Cuban. Anyways, I got a huge kick tonight when I ran across this version of it by Richard Stallman. Hope you enjoy!

Posted in Personal | 6 Responses

Flash and 64-bit systems

Edit: This is for Gutsy only
I just spent a few hours combing the community documentation and the Ubuntu Forums looking for the best resource for installing Flash on 64-bit systems. Wow, I was mesmarized by all of the information to do such an easy task.

If you are using a 64-bit system, you do not have to:

  1. install a 32-bit edition of Firefox
  2. download the Adobe Flash Player from their website
  3. don’t have to mess with Pango
  4. and a whole slew of others…

I was successful using the following commands in order to get not only get Flash to work with Firefox on a 64-bit system, but also Konqueror. Granted, Konqueror and Flash aren’t best of friends right now with Gutsy, and either is with Kubuntu Gutsy. Anyways, here is exactly how I did it, and I would like you all to give it a shot and let me know if it works for you. I am doing this all command line, so bear with me.

First, install flashplugin-nonfree from the repos:

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Second, wrap the flashplugin-nonfree with nspluginwrapper:

nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/

Third, create a link from the new file located in your home directory to the Firefox plugins directory:

sudo ln -s ~/.mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

If you are using Firefox, you are good to go. Those of you using Konqueror just have to go into the plugin settings in the Konqueror configuration and scan for new plugins. It should be there and working. If you have issues with this, could you please let me know. Thanks. And if you are using Kubuntu Gutsy, I know that Konqueror locks up when going to websites with flash animation or movies embedded. Thanks everyone.

Posted in Application | Tagged , , | 35 Responses

Need your help

I am currently updating the Kubuntu topic based help documentation and have a few questions I am hoping some of you can help me with. If you could, just leave a comment to this post. What I am looking for is the best guides you can think of for the following items:

  • NVidia GeForce graphics cards with 3D support
  • ATI Radeon graphics cards with 3D support
  • Getting Java to work with AMD64 systems (both Konqueror and Firefox if possible)
  • Getting Flash to work with AMD64 systems (both Konqueror and Firefox if possible)
  • Top wireless card drivers
  • Compiz Fusion

I would love if these guides:

  • were for Kubuntu Feisty or Gutsy
  • were the easiest and best routes for succeeding
  • were licensed with CC-by-SA

The reason I ask for such a request is that I am currently time strapped and I know some of you have done the above more than I have and probably have way more experience in doing so. Another thing, these items will make it into the Kubuntu documentation, so if you are interested in writing anyone of those sections listed above for Kubuntu Gutsy, you would be my hero. You can write them in plain text,, KOffice, LaTeX, or whatever you feel like. If you can write them up in DocBook/XML, well then you rock hardcore. If you decide to do some writing, here are just a couple of guidelines to make incorporating them much easier:

  • try to use GUI instructions for everything. I know at times it may be easier for a user to use the CLI, but we are writing these instructions for the newest of users.
  • if you include a screenshot, try to use 1024×768 display resolution with the default Kubuntu Gutsy theme would rock hardcore. PNG files preferred, no GIFs. If you don’t include a screenshot, no huge problem, as I should be able to follow the instructions and take the screenshots myself.

Thank you ahead of time for any help that you can offer. If there is a great guide that works for everybody, or damn close to everybody, then a link will work great.

If you are interested in Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Edubuntu, or Xubuntu documentation, please do not hesitate to contact the Ubuntu Documentation list at ubuntu-doc AT I know Edubuntu can use a lot of help, so if you are experienced in writing technical documentation, can read and write English decently (that is better than I can), know DocBook/XML, and know the distribution fairly well, then you can be a great help. Writing documentation is fairly easy actually, and is a great way to start contributing to free software projects. If you feel that you might have some time to review the current documentation, please email the list and let us know. There are many great people on the list who can direct you to where you can go to help out. Thanks again everyone!

Posted in Development | Tagged , , | 9 Responses
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