Blog Post

Kubuntu Documentation Needs Help

Here is the email I sent to the Ubuntu Documenation Project’s mailing list today:

Currently we over in the Kubuntu world are completely rewriting the system
documentation. Why you ask? Because the old documentation was just that,
old. It contained information from the KDE 3.5 days. The reason for this is
because for the past 4 years, there have only been 2 of us working on the
documentation, and for the past 2 years, we both have been super busy with
our personal life. We will have a similar structure/layout as previous
releases in regards to the fake topic-based help, however the content needs
to be totally rewritten.

Because of this, we are looking for people who have the following

1) You run Kubuntu and are familiar with its applications
2) You can read and write English
3) DocBook/XML experience would be nice
4) Understand how to use Bazaar

I have created a quick todo list [1] where we can track who is working on
what. There is no time line set in stone, however I would like to have a
solid documentation base by the end of the year. Because we are rewriting
the documentation from scratch, we need to have this solid base in place so
we can start translations. I would love to have all topics with a status of
NEEDS REVIEW by the end of the year.

If you have any questions or would like to help, please feel free to reply
to this mail or find me on IRC (#kubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-docs). Thanks!


Any and hell help would be greatly appreciated right now. Thanks!

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