This is my little spot to keep notes for things I need to remember and maybe others would like to remember.
Backup/Restore applications on a Debian based system
dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt
dpkg --set-selections < selections.txt dselect update apt-get dselect-upgrade
Tar over SSH
tar xcvf user@host dir/foo.tar.gz
Mount remote directory via SSH
sshfs hostname:/remotedir localdir/
fusermount -u localdir/
Remap Kensington Slim Type keyboard \ to Alt
xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = Alt_L
Get your external IP address
curl --silent | awk '{print $1}'
WebKit by default in Konqueror
keditfiletype text/html
Go to the Embedded tab and move the WebKit part up to the top.
Create a disk image (static size) or a qcow image (dynamic size):
Disk Image (static size):
qemu-img create foo.img 2G
QCow Image (dynamic size):
qemu-img create -f qcow foo.qcow 2G
Start installation from ISO:
If you created a static size disk image above:
qemu -cdrom foo.iso -hda foo.img -boot d
If you created a dynamic size QCow image above:
qemu -cdrom foo.iso -hda foo.qcow -boot d
Boot installation with 512M of memory:
If you created a static size disk image above:
qemu -m 512 -hda foo.img
If you created a dynamic size QCow image above:
qemu -m 512 -hda foo.qcow