OK, since the lazyweb totally owned in helping me locate a killer portable media device, I can use your help once again. I have Googled and Googled until my eyes have exploded, and I have yet to find the answer I am looking for. The question….Can you hot swap, not warm swap, SATA drives in […]
Tag Archives: Help
Kickstart and custom partitioning help needed
OK, here is the scoop. We have one appliance that gets a custom partitioning via kickstart and a bit of Python love. Once the partition is complete, we install the base packages and then our appliance package. During the installation of the appliance package, it reads in the size of the multiple partitions it has […]
When is to much, to much?
Working on my ‘inbox zero’ project right now after a day of enjoying the lovely Chicago weather we are having right now. One thing that strikes me are the amount of mailing lists I seem to be subscribed to. I am currently sitting at about 50 mailing lists. Honestly, this sounds ridiculous, like totally impossible […]