I did this a long time ago when I first learned of the vrms package, which stands for Virtual Richard M. Stallman. What it does is it looks through the install packages on your system and tests to see if they are in fact free software or not. If they aren’t, well Richard lets you […]
Tag Archives: Meme
What my 12.5 year old daughter loves
Adding my 2 cents into the ongoing what my daughter loves meme. Family (BIG TIME) Her PINK cell phone Her PINK netbook Her little PINK game thing (I forget which one it is) Her Wii Her PINK iPoop π Her cats (who unfortunately are not PINK) and boys π π π π Hey, you other […]
Phrase from nearest book meme
Meme from Jono. Funny this one came up, as Greg Grossmeier and I are sitting in the Farmington Community Library in Farmington Hills, Michigan. This book was literally pulled from the shelf no more than 10 feet away from me. “No introduction or credentials are required for persons over high school age.” – The United […]