Blog Post

The freeze is on….ward to KDE 4


The Release Team has decided that it is time to close the books on KDE 3.5.

To quote coolo:
“No more features, no more string changes, no more docu changes….
Bug fixes are allowed and after some time we’ll do another maintenance
update 3.5.8 – e.g. in september.”

So bugfixes only from now on in the 3.5 branch.  If the bugfix requires
a string change, you will need to coordinate that change with the translators.

Onwards to KDE 4.0!


Man today is a great day! So lets hope that 3.5.8 comes out in time to make its way into Gutsy, and then we can look at KDE 4 in Gutsy+1. To the entire KDE community…AWESOME JOB! This is a great feeling, an amazing feeling. It is kind of sad to see the 3.x series come to an end, as I have been with it the entire time, never missing an update. I feel like a proud papa again 🙂

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