Blog Post

Yesterday the announcement…

…and today this image.


Yesterday Linspire announced their deal with Microsoft. Of course which many of you know, but today I wanted to read their forums to see what people had to say, and on my way in I saw that image. I truthfully find it distasteful, as I am sure you probably know why. 4 partners, 3 of them proprietary in their ways, bunched together with one that holds a free and open source software philosophy. To me it looks like Ubuntu supports all of those partnerships just by a single image. I know that isn’t true, but do the people who go to that website know that?

This is disturbing, and what I find appalling is that Kevin thinks that his deal with Microsoft will provide a “Better Linux.” How? WTF can a Microsoft deal do that will make Linux better? Take off the cloudy glasses already.

EDIT: Strike my P.S. to Mark for a reply. It seems he is currently traveling and to prevent any unneeded unrest, I am removing my P.S. to Mark, as I am sure he will respond in due time.

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